According to National Center for Fathering, more than 20 million children live in a home without the physical presence of a father.

Millions more have dads who are physically present, but emotionally absent.

What I’ve learned from my experience with my own father and supporting clients for several years is that the unhealed loss of a father – whether from divorce, death, distance or dysfunction, not only impacts an entrepreneur’s psyche, it impacts that entrepreneur’s business.

How might this manifest in your client’s business or YOUR OWN?

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but here are some clues that may indicate that an unhealed father wound is keeping your client stuck:

• Experiencing a prolonged revenue plateau or upper limit in business

• Ignoring intuition and leading business with the rational mind

• Giving too much power over to others OR being dead set on doing everything themselves

• Ignoring, overlooking or excluding team members

• Rejecting systems and structure that support sustainability

Maybe you recognize or can relate to some or all of these. And it doesn’t matter if your client is a man or a woman, these signs can show up for either.

Here’s a caveat, if you notice this, don’t assume your client has an unhealed father wound. . .

But you can take the opportunity to ask more personal questions that can help you both evaluate what is really going on for them.

And if this is showing up in business, it’s showing up in all areas. It may manifest personally as fear, anger, abandonment issues and even addiction or mood disorders, and in these case it may be necessary for your client or you to be working with a licensed therapist too.

So how can we as mission-driven entrepreneurs, in which your business is your light work, create a container where clients feel safe to acknowledge and address a deep and hurting father wound?

Because business growth AND personal growth requires us to be solid in:

• Our own confidence & true authority

• Our personal power, our skills & our unique gifts

• Structure, order & systems that allow that skills & gifts to be sustained & shared over time

An unhealed father wound will impede those healthy inner and outer conditions & bog down business growth.

For those of us who haven’t always had a healthy, loving father in our lives, first I want to say I see you. I feel you. And you and your needs always matter.

I also want to leave you with this question . . .

How would addressing your feelings about having an absent or emotionally unavailable father amplify your light work and support you in moving forward to the next level of success in your business?

I’d love for you to post in the comments below.

⚠This content is NOT psychotherapy and is not a substitute for psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment.


If you would like my support on your journey to being authentically seen, heard and received in your business and life, I invite you to sign up for one of my Bold Heart Visibility Breakthrough sessions.

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