Posts Tagged ‘advanced souls’
Discern, Determine, Decide | Soul Empowerment
Ultimately, in the face of challenges, it’s our conscious choices that become our superpowers. In this episode of Soul Empowerment, Gayle Nowak joins David McLeod, Scott Holmes and Sara Jane as they give us the courage to face life’s unexpected plot twists with a knowing wink and a “challenge accepted!” attitude. Ready to turn your…
Read MoreInstant Gratitude | Soul Empowerment
Instant gratification means to experience pleasure without delay. But sometimes the real satisfaction resides in the delay rather than the immediate pleasure. You can choose whichever path you want to take, but if you adopt some of the ideas from this episode of Soul Empowerment, you’ll come to value the idea of Instant Gratitude over…
Read MoreThe Mother Wound that Keeps Your Client Feeling Overworked, Overwhelmed & Undercompensated
In my recent videos I talked about inner child and father wounds and the impacts of both on your client, their business, you and your business. Today’s video is about mothers. Specifically in regards to mother wounding, or the gap between what you needed from your mother as a child and what you actually received.…
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