How Successful Entrepreneurs Get Hired for Their Story
A wise person once said . . .
“If you’re a coach, consultant or entrepreneur you’re specifically being hired for your story. Your ability to attract the right opportunities and deepen your impact is all about getting your story straight.”
If you’re still working on getting your story straight, you’re going to want to check out this Social Eyes podcast with Jeannine O’Neil of JO Social Branding.
Jeannine had me on last week as her expert guest to talk about Unleashing the Power of Storytelling as a way to attract clients and grow your business.
Here’s what you’ll take away from the podcast:
- Why your story is so important not just for attracting clients but for stepping into your role as an owner and leader
- How to tell a difficult story that makes you (& your audience) feel good
- Why hiding your story hurts you, your business & the very people you long to help — & what you can do to change it
- The advantages of being internally aligned with what you express externally & how story helps you connect the two
And much more.
You can listen here or simply scan the “Key Points & Quotables” section to pick up some fast pointers.
While you’re there, will you do me a favor? Scroll down to the bottom of the page to where it says “Leave a Reply”. Introduce yourself in the comments & let me know what your biggest problem is around sharing your story. Thanks!