Restoring Faith | New Earth Leaders
Humans aren’t only experiencing crisis in childhood, we are experiencing a crisis of faith.
Modern society stifles faith everywhere, relegating it to a tiny private slice of life if there’s any presence of it at all. And yet, our spiritual relationship is just as vital and essential to healing as the relationship we have to our body, mind and heart. We are multidimensional beings living integrated lives. Treating only the mind, heart and body, while ignoring the spirit, keeps the WHOLE of us fragmented.
Faith is empowering and powerful. It is life-giving and life-affirming. When it’s stifled and stripped out of lives, we entrain to fear. We cannot fully heal by shutting down and shutting out this part of who we are. It’s also time to normalize and reintegrate our spiritual wellness back into all areas of life.
Faith is at the heart of creating New Earth. This is how we transform darkness to light.
How do you experience Source energy, spirituality, Creator – God self? How are you sharing that with the people in your life, especially children?