Media Magnet Monday: Plan a Media Event — Part 2
In last week’s post, I covered four key components of a successful media event. This week we outline four more tips to pull off a successful media event.
1. Use a task list & timeline to stay on track
Even the simplest of media events has many moving parts so making a list of action items and a schedule for each one will help you stay organized. If you’re lucky enough to have others helping you, a task list and timeline like this one can help you delegate some of the responsibilities and keep everyone accountable and on track.
2. Media Advisory
With a plan in place and the basics covered, craft a media advisory and send it to media outlets that you’d like to cover your event. A simple one page advisory like this one is all you need to convey the basic who, what, when, where, why and how of your event. Note any visual and/or tactile aspects to the event as well.
3. Press Materials
Develop press materials for your event, or review and refresh existing press materials if you have them. A basic press kit should include a fact sheet, frequently asked questions, questions to ask, speaker bios, relevant press releases and hi-resolution logo and photos if available. You can supply hard copies, or digital copies on a flash drive. It’s also good practice to include the same materials in your online press room if you have one. Regardless of the format, providing this kind of background information is helpful to reporters, and makes you look media savvy.
4. Agenda
Like the task list and timeline, a media event agenda outlines who is responsible for what and when on the day of the event. Media events should last no longer than an hour, with most of the time being allotted for journalists to tour facilities, view demonstrations, ask questions and conduct interviews. Limit the number of speakers to just a few and limit their remarks to less than five minutes each. The role of the speakers are to provide context to your event, rather than deliver a formal address.
While these are some of the major elements comprising a successful media event, there may be many more depending on the complexity of the event. I’ve provided a foundation to get you started. The most important thing to remember is the success of your event hinges upon a well-defined and executed plan.
Have you planned any media events? What else would you recommend? Let me know in the comments section.
Check back next week for the final installment of the Media Magnet Monday series and learn how to use by-lined articles and columns to get publicity.
[…] this week’s post, I cover four key components of a successful media event. I’ll cover four more next […]