Positive News Now #111 — Evolvative™ Branding with Veronica Wirth
Veronica Wirth is a visionary, entrepreneur, intuitive, award-winning designer and creative maverick. She has brought her innovative and big picture approach to successful careers in the entertainment and creative industries, especially as founder of the award-winning branding firm Design-Bistro LLC. Before founding Design-Bistro, Veronica put herself through design school decorating and delivering wedding cakes for the family business, graduating with honors and receiving an award for excellence in creative projects from the French Culinary Institute. She even cooked at the James Beard House as a pastry chef. She also taught yoga for 10 years and coauthored the groundbreaking book Yoga for Equestrians. She’s been keynote speaker at Sustainable Success and appeared on numerous podcasts. Today, she joins us to talk about the power of Evolvative Branding™. To learn more, visit: https://design-bistro.com/.
Veronica is available for keynotes and interviews.
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