A 6-figure coaching colleague of mine has a well-oiled marketing funnel and system. She’s speaking, hosting events, converting subscribers into clients, doing joint ventures and filling her programs. So I was a little surprised when she said “but I still feel like I’m not reaching enough people.” She’s serious about getting her message out in…

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If you’d met me two years ago and mentioned the words “signature talk”, I would’ve cocked my head to the side and said “what’s that?” That’s because in my corporate and agency days, my world was filled with proposals, pitches and presentations. We’d gather up the team in a conference room or on a conference…

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I’ll never forget the first time I lead a pitch for new business. It was back in my agency days. A $250,000 public relations contract was at stake, and the agency partners were hot to rekindle the flame with this international brand and former client. The good news? We had two weeks to prepare. The…

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