Posts Tagged ‘personal transformation’
Positive News Now #210 — Redesigning Your Interior
Theresa O’Brien is an inspirational speaker and author of the soon to be published book “Remodeling Your Interior”. As an award-winning interior designer, Theresa has helped her clients define, plan, and execute successful home redesign and remodeling projects. These project journeys take clients from states of dissatisfaction, confusion, and stress to comfort and happiness using…
Read MorePositive News Now #203 — Experience Evolution 2020
UPDATE: Evolution 2020 has been postponed to September 9-11, 2020 due to COVID-19 Check it out! I just did this fun video interview with my friend and soul sister Bryna Haynes. We explore her upcoming event Evolution 2020 in Providence, RI. and how it can help creators like you go from stalled-out to SUPERNOVA without…
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