Inside Story
Story Alchemy Intensive
OK you, let’s do this.
Introducing: the program that you’re going to look back on one day & say to your grandchildren, “Yep, that’s the moment everything changed.”
Your story is the marketing jetfuel that will get potential clients practically selling themselves on you. In this 30-day program, you get two laser-focused private sessions with me where we will collaborate to create your very own powerful “signature” story that will make your competitors irrelevant, elevate your business, rapidly build trust with your audience & jolt potential clients into action. You also get lifetime access to my Tell to Sell Story Creation Home Learning Program, so you can create stories for content, trainings/workshops, talks, launches, sales conversations, investment pitches — you name it.
Take Away: A powerful personal story that attracts high-end clients & better opportunities; An unforgettable way to reach the masses with your message; Meaningful, profitable relationships with your ideal clients; A new sense of confidence in promoting your business; A leveraged marketing asset with huge ROI.
I Want to Learn More!
Watch the Preview Webinar.
I’m Ready to Start!
Enroll in The Program.