photo by Muffet

Every so often my father-in-law likes to do free lunch at Costco. I’m not talking about the hot dogs, burgers and pizza that Costco sells at the front of the store. He comes for the samples. He’ll dodge the massive carts and brave the weekend shopping frenzy just so he can score free bruschetta, clam chowder and bite-sized cream puffs.

Sometimes he leaves Costco with nothing but a full tummy. Sometimes a free taste will prompt him to buy. One thing is sure though: He keeps coming back for more.

Don’t you just love to get a little taste of something before you buy it? Guess what? So does your audience, and one of the best ways to give them a little honey is by offering free information.

Buzz piece, opt-in, fabulous freebie – whatever you want to call it – the goal of this little appetizer is to draw people, the ones who are hungry for what you’re serving, into your business. So what’s the recipe for cooking up a crave-worthy entrée for your ideal customers?

1. Pick a dish you know they’ll love

Maybe you make a mean smoked salmon crisp, but if your guests have a hankering for the shrimp skewers, they’re going to go looking for what they’re craving. The same principle applies for your buzz piece, so pick a topic that’s related to what you do and satisfies your audience’s appetite.

2. Select your technique

When you’re cooking, you pull together individual ingredients to make the meal, and its flavor will depend on the technique you chose. Haddock is haddock on its own but some people prefer baked over broiled, right?

You need to take the same thoughtful approach with your freebie. Think about how your audience prefers to consume information and which method will make you shine. Some people like to listen to audios while they’re buzzing around in their car. Others rely on video to better process information. Many people like having a written report or checklist handy. Pick the technique that your guests desire and allows you to make the best impression.

3. Get cooking

This is where the fun begins, right? Well, all these culinary metaphors may have given you a false impression that I’m a foodie and love whipping up something spicy in my kitchen. In fact, meal time is often a source of anxiety for me. I have to eat to survive and I just want to get it done. I know a lot of you feel the same way about creating your buzz piece. So I’m going to give you a shortcut that will make it easier (and maybe more fun) to create a high-value treat that people love and positions you as an authority.

Ready? Make a list of your top 10 frequently asked questions. Mix in questions people should ask you, then add a dash of common objections. Now, answer them. You can write them out or you can get a buddy to interview and record you. Top it all off with a sizzling title, an eye-catching cover and you’re done!

 4. Tantalize their tastebuds

Ok, now it’s time to serve up your goodies. Obviously, you want to feature your freebie prominently on your website so you can start gathering a crowd and begin establishing a rapport with them. If they’re coming back for seconds, you’ve got a blue-ribbon winner, so don’t be stingy with it. You can also offer your delicious starter dish in your email signature, at networking events and on sales calls.

Once you’ve cooked up a crave-worthy buzz piece that supports your marketing and promotions, you’ll easily double your yield.

What kind of information are you hungry for? Let us know in the comments below.  









  1. Krista on October 5, 2013 at 1:04 am

    This makes it so simple. This is perfect for me right now as I’m trying to figure out how to update my current freebie. Sprinkling in common objections is a perfect twist too! You are awesome, as always, Gayle 🙂

    • storystylist on October 5, 2013 at 9:21 pm

      Thanks for the kind words Krista. I’m glad you found this helpful as you update your free offer. I know it’ll be a homerun!

  2. […] Just getting someone’s email is tricky (here’s one way to go about getting it). […]

  3. […] Just getting someone’s email is tricky (here’s one way to go about getting it). […]

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